February 23, 2025
e-ISSN 2148-0532

Preparation of Manuscript

Manuscripts can only be submitted through the journal’s online manuscript submission and evaluation system, available at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/endouroloji Manuscripts submitted via any other medium will not be evaluated.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal will first go through a technical evaluation process where the editorial office staff will ensure that the manuscript has been prepared and submitted following the journal’s guidelines.

Submissions that do not conform to the journal’s guidelines will be returned to the submitting author with technical correction requests.

Corrections may be done without changing the main text.

The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the aforementioned requirements.

Authors are required to submit the following:

• Author Contribution&Copyright Transfer Form,

• Informed Consent Form

• ICMJE Disclosure of Interest Form

• Title Page (including Title of Manuscript, Running title, author (s) ‘s name, title, and institution, corresponding author’s contact information, Name of the organization supporting the research)

• Main document (All articles should have an abstract before the main text).

• Figures (Jpeg format)

• Tables (max 6 tables)

Preparation of the Main Document

The articles should be written double-spaced in 12 pt, Times New Roman character and at least 2.5 cm from all edges of each page. The main text should not contain any information about the authors’ names and affiliations.

Publication Types;

Type of ArticleAbstractText (Word)ReferencesTable&Figures
Original Article25040003010
Review Article250500010010
Case Reports30020002010

Original articles should have a structured abstract. (Objective, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion).

For case reports, the structured abstract is not used. Limit the abstract to 300 words.

References, tables, and citations should not be used in an abstract.

Authors must include relevant keywords (3-5) on the line following the end of the abstract.

The Turkish title, abstracts, and Turkish keywords are not required for the international authors. The editorial office will provide these. 

All acronyms and abbreviations used in the manuscript should be defined first, both in the abstract and in the main text. The abbreviation should be provided in parentheses following the definition.

When a drug, product, hardware, or software program is mentioned within the main text, product information, including the name of the product, the producer of the product, and city and the country of the company (including the state if in the USA), should be provided in parentheses.

For keywords, please see Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/MeSHonDemand.

All references, tables, and figures should be referred to within the main text, and they should be numbered consecutively in the order they are referred to within the main text. The symbols used must be nomenclature used standards.

1. Original Research Articles


Original Research Articles should present the results of clinical or basic research with sufficient documentation to ensure credibility for critical readers. These articles must contribute novel insights to the field and be supported by robust data and sound methodology.

Submission Guidelines

Word Limit: Maximum 4,000 words (excluding references, tables, and figure captions).

Structure: Manuscripts must be structured as follows:
Title (in both Turkish and English)
Abstract (in both Turkish and English)
Keywords (in both Turkish and English)
Materials and Methods
Figure and Table Captions (if applicable)

Review Process

All submitted research articles will undergo double-blind peer review to assess their scientific merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope. Statistical analyses and methodology must be clearly presented and reproducible.

2. Case Reports


Case Reports should describe unique or rare clinical cases that provide valuable insights into diagnostic challenges, treatment approaches, or novel observations. These reports should be well-documented and contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.

Submission Guidelines

Word Limit: Maximum 2,000 words (excluding references, tables, and figure captions).
Structure: Manuscripts must be structured as follows:
Title (in both Turkish and English)
Abstract (in both Turkish and English)
Keywords (in both Turkish and English)
Case Presentation
Discussion and Conclusion
Figure and Table Captions (if applicable)

Review Process

Case Reports are subject to editorial and double-blind peer review to ensure they present a significant learning opportunity, are properly referenced, and contribute to clinical practice or medical research.

3. Review Articles


Review Articles provide a comprehensive and structured analysis of a specific topic, summarizing and critically evaluating existing literature. These articles should be well-organized and include an up-to-date synthesis of research findings.

Submission Guidelines

Word Limit: Maximum 5,000 words (excluding references, tables, and figure captions).
Structure: Manuscripts must be structured as follows:
Title (in both Turkish and English)
Abstract (in both Turkish and English)
Keywords (in both Turkish and English)
Main Text
Figure and Table Captions (if applicable)

Systematic Reviews

Authors submitting systematic reviews must adhere to PRISMA guidelines to ensure transparency and methodological rigor. The PRISMA checklist can be accessed at: PRISMA Checklist

Review Process

Review Articles will be evaluated by the editorial board and editorial and double-blind peer review for their depth of analysis, relevance, and contribution to the scientific community.

4. Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor allow readers to engage in academic discussions by responding to previously published articles, presenting brief scientific observations, or addressing issues of interest to the journal’s readership.

Submission Guidelines

Structure: Manuscripts must be structured as follows:
Title (in both Turkish and English)
Keywords (in both Turkish and English)
Main Text
Figure and Table Captions (if applicable)

Content: Letters should be concise, focused on specific aspects of the article in question, and contribute meaningfully to the academic discourse. They may include:

Critical analysis or commentary on the methodologies, interpretations, or conclusions of a published article.
Presentation of corroborative or contradictory data that enhances the understanding of the topic.
Discussions that contextualize the article’s findings within the broader field of study.
Length: Typically, letters should not exceed 1,000 words, including references.
Title: Begin with a title that references the original article, e.g., “Comment on [Article Title] by [Author Name(s)].”
Author Information: Include full names, academic affiliations, and contact details of all contributing authors.
References: Cite the original article and any other relevant literature appropriately.
Tone: Maintain a respectful and professional tone, focusing on academic critique rather than personal remarks. 

Review Process:

All submitted letters will be reviewed by the editorial team to ensure clarity, academic merit, and adherence to ethical standards. Letters must be professional in tone and contribute to meaningful scholarly discourse.

5. Research Note

Purpose: A Research Note serves to disseminate brief reports of preliminary findings, novel methodologies, or significant observations that may not warrant a full-length article but are nonetheless valuable to the scientific community.

Submission Guidelines

Length: The main text should not exceed 2,000 words, excluding references, figures, and tables.
Content: Research Notes may include:
Preliminary data that suggest a potential breakthrough or novel insight.
Descriptions of innovative techniques or methodologies.
Observations that prompt further investigation or highlight emerging trends.


Organize the note with clear headings, such as:
Title (in both Turkish and English)
Abstract (in both Turkish and English)
Keywords (in both Turkish and English)
Introduction: Briefly outline the context and significance of the work.
Methods: Summarize the approach and techniques employed.
Results: Present key findings succinctly.
Discussion: Discuss the implications and potential future directions.
References: Limit to essential citations that support the work.
Figures and Tables: Include only if they enhance the clarity and impact of the note.

Review Process

Research Notes will undergo double-blind peer review to ensure scientific validity, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.

6. Book Review

Purpose: A Book Review offers a critical evaluation of recent publications in the field, providing readers with insights into the book’s content, significance, and relevance to ongoing scholarly discussions.

Submission Guidelines

Content: Reviews should:
Length: Typically between 1,500 to 2,500 words.
Summarize the book’s main themes and arguments.
Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the work.
Discuss the book’s contribution to the field and its relevance to current research or practice.
Situate the book within the existing literature, noting any unique perspectives or approaches.
Title: Include the book’s full title, author(s), publisher, publication year, page count, and ISBN at the beginning of the review.
Tone: Maintain an objective and scholarly tone, offering balanced critiques supported by evidence.

Review Process

Book Reviews will be evaluated by the editorial team for clarity, depth of analysis, and relevance to the journal’s readership

Preparation of the Figures and Tables

  • The submission system should submit figures, graphics, and photographs as separate files (in JPEG/PNG format). 
  • The files should not be embedded in a Word document or the main document. 
  • When there are figure subunits, the subunits should not be merged to form a single image. Each subunit should be submitted separately through the submission system.
  • Arabic numbers should number images to indicate figure subunits. 
  • The minimum resolution of each submitted figure should be 300 DPI. 
  • Figure legends should be listed at the end of the main document.
  • Information or illustrations must not permit the identification of patients, and written informed consent for publication must be sought for any photograph.
  • Tables should be embedded in the main document or submitted as separate files, but if tables are submitted separately, please note where it is suitable in the main text.
  • Tables are limited to six tables. All tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they are used to within the main text.
  • Tables legends should be listed at the end of the main document. 


The references used in the article must be written in parenthesis at the end of the sentences.

References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text and placed at the end of the article.

References must contain surnames and initials of all authors, article title, name of the journal, the year, and the fırst and last page numbers.

Articles with 6 or more authors ‘et al.’ are mixed with the first 5 authors.

Abbreviations should be according to Index Medicus.

Authors must add the DOI (Digital object identifier) at the end of each reference.

For Examples;

Article in journal: 1. Tasci A, Tugcu V, Ozbay B, Mutlu B, Cicekler O. Stone formation in prostatic urethra after potassium-titanyl-phosphate laser ablation of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Endourol 2009;23:1879-81. https://doi.org/10.1089/end.2008.0596

For Books: 1.Günalp İ: Modern Üroloji. Ankara: Yargıçoğlu matbaası, 1975. Chapters in books: Anderson JL, Muhlestein JB. Extra corporeal ureteric stenting during laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2003. p. 288-307

For website; Gaudin S. How moon landing changed technology history [Internet]. Computerworld UK. 2009 [cited 15 June 2014]. Available from: http://www.computerworlduk.com/in-depth/it-business/2387/how-moon-landing-changed-technology-history/

For conference proceeding; Proceedings of the Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Animatronics in the Creative and Entertainment Industries and Arts. SSAISB 2005 Convention. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK; 2005. 

For Thesis; Ercan S. Venöz yetmezlikli hastalarda kalf kası egzersizlerinin venöz fonksiyona ve kas gücüne etkisi. Suleyman Demirel University Faculty of Medicine Sports Medicine Department Thesis. Isparta: Suleyman Demirel University. 2016. 

Manuscript Reject

Rejection: The manuscripts which are not accepted to be published are rejected with explanations.

Manuscript Retraction: For other reasons, authors may withdraw their manuscript from the journal with a written declaration.


If the manuscript is accepted, the acceptance letter is sent within two weeks, the last version of the manuscript is sent to the author for the last corresponding. The journal owner and the editorial board are authorized to decide which volume of the accepted article will be printed.

Authors may publish their articles on their personal or corporate websites by linking them to the appropriate cite and library rules.

Should you wish to request a change of author (name, author addition), we kindly ask that you submit this to the Editorial Board (publisher/journal address) with a letter signed by all authors before the evaluation process is completed. For more information about withdrawals and corrections, please see the Retraction and Correction Policy page.